About Our Church
Who We Are
The Oceana church of Christ is a Body of believers in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Our belief is not merely intellectual, it is the conviction that He is unique as “the only begotten Son” of God and thus we place our total trust in Him as Savior and Lord. It is life-transforming belief. Since He is Lord we strive to obey His word (John 12:47-48) in all things.
We share the same message the first century Christians did when sharing the gospel (good news of the death, burial and resurrection of Christ). Belief in Jesus is essential (John 8:24), repentance (turning) from sin proves to God our sincerity in wanting to do His will (Luke 13:1-5), confession of His name out loud makes faith more than a private thing (Acts 8:36-37), and immersion (baptism) in water to be saved from sin (Mark 16:15-16; Acts 2:38; 22:16) is taught.
We love to have guests come and worship God with us. You will find our worship to be simple yet Biblical (John 4:23-24). We sing from the heart using only our voices and all find it uplifting; we pray publicly to our heavenly Father to help and guide us; we read and study from the Bible wanting to know God and His will; we have communion (the Lord’s Supper) every Sunday to honor the death of our Savior; and members contribute of their financial means each week for the ongoing works of the church.
We are ever wanting to grow in our love for God and people, to grow in generosity toward all, to be humble and forgiving of others as we acknowledge our own need for forgiveness. Simply put – we want to do God’s will.
We look forward to meeting you.
The churches of Christ are independent, non-denominational congregations of baptized believers in Jesus. There are approximately 13,000 congregations of the church of Christ in the United States and thousands more in over 100 countries worldwide The head of the church is none other than Jesus Christ himself (Ephesians 1:22-23).
The churches of Christ are united not by human doctrines or organizations, but by these simple shared beliefs:
- Jesus is God’s Son, the only Lord and Savior of the human race.
- The Bible is the very Word of God and the only foundation of our faith and the only reliable guide for our lives.
Each congregation of the church of Christ is autonomous, and it is the Word of God that unites us into One Faith (Ephesians 4:3-6). We follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and his Apostles, and not the teachings of man. We are Christians only!
We do not accept human creeds or dogmas, as these serve only to divide believers and label them with denominational names. We wear only the name of Jesus Christ. We are simply Christians. No, the people in the Church are not perfect people, to be sure. We are flawed people who embrace the truth and share His grace. We rejoice in the precious gifts and blessings the Lord has given us, and we are eager to share them with you.
For more information concerning the church of Christ, please visit the Find Us page where our leadership is delineated. These men are standing ready to assist you in search for Gods truth.
Brother Stephen Raab
Brother Stephen Raab brings the Lord’s message and conducts an awesome Sunday School class for the Oceana church of Christ on Sunday mornings. Stephen is a native of New Haven, CT and has been a preacher since 1977. Come join Stephen and your fellow Christians every Sunday as we remember our Savior and His sacrifice for us!

Bible Class…………… 10:00 AM
Morning Worship…..11:00 AM
Bible Study…………….7:00 PM
1777 London Bridge Road
Suite 103
Virginia Beach, VA 23453